Upon your arrival at Union County College, you will discover a wide array of effective support services and programs that will help you achieve your educational goals. A caring community of staff has your success as its core, supported by other resources that include academic tutoring, honor societies, and career advising. We want to help each one of you successfully manage the transition into college and maximize your potential.
Advising, Career, and Transfer (ACT) Services
“Teaching to Foster Informed Decision Making”
We strive to foster student success by providing comprehensive quality resources to our students. Staff are available to assist you with academic advising, career assessment, transfer services, and crisis referral services. Whether you are pursuing an Associate in Arts or an Associate in Science degree on your path to a four year school or would like to obtain a Certificate or Associate in Applied Science degree in a career program, we will help you navigate the degree requirements of your program. Our purpose is to help you meet your educational goals and objectives through proactive advising guided by educational planning from your first semester through graduation.
Academic Advising
Academic Advising is a process in which you are assisted in making educated decisions to help you progress through your program and succeed academically. Specific services include:
• New Student Orientation
• Educational Planning
• Review of Programs of Study and Selection of Academic Program
• Career Advisement
• Program Evaluation and Degree Audit
• Student Planning and Self-Service Registration Assistance
• Monitoring Academic Progress
Transfer Services
Students interested in obtaining an associate degree and transferring to another college for a bachelor’s degree may receive guidance on streamlining the process through the following services:
• NJ Transfer Workshops: Navigating njtransfer.org
• On-site Admission/Instant Decision Days
• Scholarship Information Available to Transfer Students
• Transfer Fairs
• Transfer Resources
To learn more about Advising, Career and Transfer services, contact us at advising@ucc.edu.
Crisis Referral Services
Students in crisis may consult with the College’s Student Services Specialist Social Worker, who can make referrals to community resources based on your needs. The Social Worker is available to meet with you to help with issues such as food stamps, housing/rental assistance/shelter, domestic violence, behavioral health, substance abuse, utility assistance, Medicaid, child support, support groups and medical insurance. Students may be seen on a walk-in basis or by making an appointment by emailing socialworkservices@ucc.edu. All meetings are confidential.
Career Services
The Career Services Center is a comprehensive center for Union County workforce and economic development providing career, internship, and employment services. The Center serves Union County College students, alumni and community residents. The Center is based on the first floor of the Kellogg Building, Room K119, on the Elizabeth Campus. We also offer Career Services at our Cranford Student Services Center and by appointment on the Plainfield campus. Our staff will gladly assist you in the following areas:
• Career Advisement and Coaching
• Career Interest Inventories
• Resume and Cover Letter Writing
• Interview Preparation
• Internships and Job Search
• Career Fairs
• Social Media and Networking Opportunities
• Career Closet
To learn more about Career Services, contact us at careerservices@ucc.edu.
Disability Support Services
Union County College is committed to providing a total educational experience for students with disabilities. Disability Support Services is designed to assist students with documented disabilities. The goal is to ensure that each Union County College student is provided equal access to the College’s academic programs, activities, and awards without discrimination on the basis of a disabling condition. Students who have documented disabilities may receive help with the following:
• Academic Accommodations
• Academic Advisement and Registration Assistance
• Testing Accommodations
• Interpreters
• Referral to Community Resources
• Assistive Technologies
• Linkage to Para Transit Services providing transportation to and from the College
Accommodations are provided to address the special needs of students with documented disabilities, in compliance with the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (NJLAD), Section 503/504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, including the recent Amendments.
To learn more about Disability Support Services, contact us at disabilitysvc@ucc.edu.
Academic Support
The Union County College Libraries serve as the major learning resource of the College. Information Literacy is the major goal of the Library. All Library services are designed to help students develop the ability to locate, evaluate, and use information sources creating greater success in the classroom and empowering life-long learners.
Library holdings total more than 85,000 volumes, over 110 periodical subscriptions, 300,000 ebooks, 3,000 video/DVD programs, and more than 30,000 streaming video programs. In addition, the Libraries’ more than 90 subscription databases provide access to nearly 75,000 full-text journals, newspapers and reference sources via the Library’s web site. Nearly every database can be accessed remotely. The Library’s web site also includes virtual tours, instruction modules, library hours and policies, research guides and selected subject resources. All these resources can be accessed on campus or remotely.
The Kenneth Campbell MacKay Library on the Cranford Campus contains the major reference and research collections of the College. The libraries on the Elizabeth and Plainfield Campuses serve as the learning resource centers on those campuses with collections and services targeted to the specific programs offered at those campuses. Professional librarians are available for research assistance and information literacy instruction at all three campus libraries.
The MacKay Library is a four-story 50,000 sq. ft. facility. In addition to the library the, building also houses the Cranford campus Academic Learning Center, the Innovation Center, the Television Studio, Photography Laboratory and Studio, Graphic Arts Laboratory, Painting and Drawing Studios, classrooms, and the Purchasing department. The third floor has 13 classrooms, an architecture laboratory along with meeting rooms. The MacKay Library has a 107 computer Information Commons and a 28 computer hands-on library instruction lab for information literacy instruction. In addition, the Library provides eight group study rooms, a silent study room, an archive of faculty publications and the Ely Stock Memorial Children’s collection. The Library also has comfortable seating, individual carrels, and study tables for student use.
The Kellogg Library is located on the ground floor of the Kellogg building on the Elizabeth campus. The Kellogg Library has a 45 computer Information Commons, a 28 computer hands-on library instruction room, and quiet study rooms. The Kellogg collection is focused on the needs of ESL and Nursing students.
The Plainfield Campus Library is located on the main level of the newly renovated Annex building. The Information Commons has 50 computers. The Plainfield collection focuses on ASL and Deaf Studies, ASL–English Interpreting, EMT, Paramedic, Physical Therapist Assistant, and Practical Nursing.
The Libraries on all campuses are connected through an online catalog and circulation system that indicates location and availability of resources. Students have access to the total holdings of the College Libraries. Materials can be borrowed from or returned to any campus by intercampus delivery on one day’s notice. Interlibrary loan service is available for materials not owned by the Libraries. All libraries have complete wireless access. MacKay Library has a laptop lending program for students for in-library use only. Both MacKay and Plainfield libraries now lend iPads for in-library use.
All campus librarians provide Information Literacy Instruction which is carefully geared to specific course assignments. Instruction is designed to provide an overview of information resources and allows students the opportunity to work with a librarian to develop their research skills to achieve maximum academic success.
For more information see the
Union County College Library Website:
Academic Learning Centers
The Academic Learning Centers (ALCs) provide free tutoring for all currently enrolled Union County College students. The ALCs deliver learning opportunities and web-enhanced instruction which focus sharply on student engagement. Students are encouraged to take advantage of the ALC’s services whenever they need assistance. There is an Academic Learning Center conveniently located on each campus: in Cranford, on the first floor of the MacKay Library; in Elizabeth, on the third floor of the Lessner Building; and in Plainfield, on the main level of the Annex building.
Tutoring is delivered primarily by peer tutors, students recommended by their instructors, who have performed well in their course work and have demonstrated that they can convey their knowledge effectively to fellow students. Tutoring support is provided on a walk-in basis for most subjects based on tutor availability; no appointments are required. Tutors assist not only with course content but also with study skills, including critical thinking. In addition, the ALCs offer online tutoring for selected courses through synchronous live chat and asynchronous environments via a web-based service.
Another important component of the ALC’s offerings on the Cranford and Elizabeth campuses is the Math Success Center (MSC). This is an area devoted to mathematics support where students can find tutoring for all levels of math and math related subjects. The ALCs also offer workshops throughout the year to help students enhance their skills. Workshop topics include: Algebra review for the Accuplacer exam; Canvas LMS training for students; and other areas essential to student success. In addition, the ALCs offer support to Biology and Chemistry students through the availability of dedicated science resources, such as anatomical models, microscopes, slides and Collaborative Learning Sessions (CLS). These sessions are facilitated by an experienced tutor. During these sessions, students can ask questions, receive help with the concepts they are learning in class, and participate in exciting learning activities.
The ALCs have computer labs with access to Windows computers and printers; computer tutors are available to assist students with networked and web-based software used in mathematics, English as-a-Second Language, and engineering courses, among others. In addition, students can use Microsoft’s Office products, access Canvas, and receive help with navigating Owl’s Nest, the College’s portal, Cengage Unlimited and Self Service.
The ALCs provide employment opportunities for Union County College students. Peer tutors are hired from the student body if they meet the departmental requirements and have supporting faculty recommendations.
For further information or to check with any of the ALCs for hours of operations and tutoring schedules, please visit https://www.ucc.edu/discover-union/academic-learning-center/, or find us in Owl’s Nest under Student Development.
The College Bookstore offers services on all three campuses. New and used textbooks, rentals, e-books and other instructional materials are available in the stores and online. There is also an array of official Union County College clothing, gifts, technology and snacks. As payment, the Bookstores accept cash, credit, checks and financial aid.
Computing Resources
The Information Technology (IT) department provides technology leadership and innovative solution driven IT services to support Union County College goals and objectives through its knowledgeable and committed staff, while maintaining a secure and flexible IT infrastructure. Our advanced framework delivers access to many resources throughout the College for both academic support and administrative office applications. A high-speed fiber optic backbone interconnects the Cranford, Elizabeth, and Plainfield campuses. Local Area Network (LAN) and wireless connections are provided to all users to enable access to internet and various web resources. This connectivity ensures a high level of technology resources throughout the College.
The computer center, located at the Cranford Campus, is equipped with high-speed server technology to support the needs of students, faculty, and staff members. Microsoft Windows Server has been chosen as the primary server operating system due to its dominance in the academic and administrative application software industry.
Windows 10 is available at the desktop in all 80 computing labs, libraries, and Academic Learning Centers throughout the College community. These labs are all equipped with Internet connectivity through the College’s Wide Area Network (WAN) infrastructure, and links to the New Jersey Higher Education Network (NJEDge). Specialty applications include multimedia and Web development, Computer Aided Drafting/Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM), computer game design, and desktop publishing using industry standard tools.
Library applications include web-based databases such as Academic Search Premier, Lexis-Nexis, and Science Direct. The Library electronic catalog is available from any computer with Internet access.
Each student is provided with access to web services through the Owl’s Nest portal, via web browser or mobile application. Students are also provided with a college e-mail account, which includes access to Microsoft Office 365 and personal cloud storage. This allows the student to communicate with others, including his/her instructor, electronically. With over 150 course related applications, as well as networked laser printers throughout the College, there is a seamless integration of technology as a vital tool in the program of study.
The IT help desk is the central point of contact for the provision of all services offered by the office of IT Department. To maintain a consistent and standard response process to help desk calls, IT uses a help desk software coupled with tiered response procedures. Our IT help desk provides email, telephone, and walk-in support for students, faculty, and staff for a wide variety of technology areas. Issues such as account problems, password resets, network/wireless access, online and self-service applications, hardware/software support, and mobile device support can all be accommodated by the IT help desk. The IT help desk may be reached at techsupport@ucc.edu or extension 7979 for the Cranford Campus, extension 3567 for the Plainfield campus, extension 2355 for the Kellogg building, and 2349 for the Lessner building.
We strive to provide excellent and reliable IT services to our students, faculty, and staff to support the success of the mission of Union County College.
Air Force/Army ROTC
Union County College, Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey, and Seton Hall University have an agreement permitting male and female students of Union County College to cross-enroll in the Air Force ROTC program. Qualified students may complete the first two years of the four-year program on a cross-enrollment basis and the final two years by attending an institution sponsoring Air Force ROTC. Students who successfully complete the four-year program earn commissions as second lieutenants. For further information, contact the Admissions Office of Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey or Seton Hall University.
Employer, Outside Agency, Organization or Scholarship Tuition Assistance Plans
- Prior to registration, students should have the specifics of their Employer, Outside Agency, Organization or Scholarship Tuition Assistance Plan reviewed in the Student Services Center to insure that the plan meets College guidelines.
- Students are required to complete and sign a Statement of Responsibility for Financial Obligations at the Student Services Center.
- Should the employer or other outside agency, organization or scholarship fail to pay in a timely fashion, the student will be responsible for the cost of attending Union County College.
- If the student’s bill continues to go unpaid, a hold will be placed on the student’s account preventing registration as well as the issuance of transcripts, Letters of Recommendation, and grade reports.
New Jersey National Guard Waivers
- The National Guard Waiver covers the cost of tuition only up to a maximum of 16 credits/hours per semester. Students are responsible for the payment of all other charges.
- The program requires that the student provide a Commander’s Certificate of Eligibility from their unit’s authorized representative.
- Students desiring to utilize the National Guard Waiver are required to complete the application process for Financial Aid. (see the Financial Aid section for additional details.) Students who are eligible for aid must exhaust all such aid prior to utilizing a National Guard Waiver.
- Students must submit the appropriate forms at the time of registration including verification that they have completed the Financial Aid application process.
Registration Fee for International Students
A fee will be assessed to International students seeking to obtain an INS Form I-20 Certificate of Eligibility for Non-Immigrant (F1) Student Status from Union County College. This is a non-refundable registration fee but will be applied toward the first semester tuition upon successfully obtaining the INS Form I-20.
Senior Citizens Waiver
- New Jersey residents 65 years of age or older at the time of registration may enroll at Union County College without the payment of any tuition charges in regularly scheduled courses provided that classroom space is available.
- The Senior Citizens Waiver covers tuition only. Students are responsible for payment of all other charges at the time of registration.
- Students may register on the first day of the semester. Students who register prior to the designated date CANNOT apply the Senior Citizens Waiver towards the cost of such courses.
Trade Act Program
- Attendance at Union County College under the Trade Act Program requires that the student present at time of registration a Letter of Introduction and Enrollment Agreement from the State of New Jersey Department of Labor.
- In addition, a completed contract (NAFTA-7 (R-9-96)) must be on file in the Union County College Finance Department.
- Students participating in this program may register at any time.
Unemployment Waiver
- The Unemployment Waiver covers tuition only. Students are responsible for payment of all other charges at time of registration.
- Students desiring to utilize the Unemployment Waiver are required to complete the application process for Financial Aid. (See the Financial Aid section for additional details.) Students who are eligible for aid must exhaust all such aid prior to utilizing an Unemployment Waiver.
- All students must submit the appropriate forms at the time of registration including verification that they have completed the Financial Aid application process.
- Students will be allowed to register on a space available basis on the first day of the semester. Students who register prior to the designated date CANNOT apply the Unemployment Waiver towards the cost of such courses.
- The waiver program is available to Union County residents. NJ residents who live outside of Union County may use the waiver only if their home county community college does not offer the courses they are taking. Documentation from the home college must be provided at time of registration (i.e. Certificate of Inability to Admit).
Internal Revenue Service Form 1098-T
- For each calendar year, the College issues IRS Form 1098-T to qualified students. Forms are mailed to students by January 31 of the following year.
- The 1098-T contains information to assist students to determine if they qualify for educational tax credits or deductions. For details on these credits/deductions or how to use the amounts listed on your form, consult either a qualified tax preparer or the IRS website: www.irs.gov
- The information on the form complies with IRS regulations. Amounts are reported in the calendar year in which the transactions occurred, which is not necessarily the same as the year in which the courses were taken.
Volunteer Tuition Waiver Program (Chapter 145)
- This program covers the cost of Tuition only and is available for active members of a volunteer Fire Company or Rescue Squad and their dependent children and spouse. Individuals will receive a tuition credit, not to exceed a maximum amount over a four-year period per family.
- The student is responsible for the payment of all other costs at time of registration.
- The Volunteer Tuition Waiver Program requires that the student provide verification of service performed such as a completed Municipal Certification for Active Members of volunteer Fire Company, First Aid or Rescue Squad.
- Students desiring to utilize the Chapter 145 Waiver shall complete the appropriate Financial Aid application process (see the Financial Aid section for additional details) and, if eligible, such aid must be exhausted before applying the Chapter 145 waiver.
- Students will be allowed to register for classes on a space available basis on the first day of class for the semester.
- Students who register for courses prior to the designated date CANNOT apply the Chapter 145 waiver towards the cost of such courses.
Workforce NJ Development Program
- Students utilizing this program should plan on registering well in advance of the start of the semester to ensure that their contract is in place.
- Students must have the appropriate forms and a fully executed contract at time of registration.
- Students should be aware of program limitations as some costs might not be covered.
Public Safety
The Public Safety Department has the following responsibilities:
- Protect the lives and safety of all individuals within the College property.
- Safeguard College and personal property from theft, damage, vandalism, or misuse.
- Prevent and control crime on campus.
- Investigate crime on campus and recover stolen property when possible.
- Preserve peace and resolve conflicts on campus.
- Provide an immediate response to emergencies and to all persons requiring aid on campus.
- Enforce College policies, rules, and procedures.
- Advance cooperative relationships within the College community and contribute to its public relations program.
Illness or injuries due to accidents, which are incurred on-campus, or during a College-connected activity are to be reported immediately to the Public Safety Office on the campus where they occur. If it is not possible to make an immediate report, one should be made before 48 hours have elapsed.
Safety on Campus
All students are urged not to linger in lightly-traveled areas of the buildings or campus grounds after regular closing hours. If you must complete assignments in remote areas where the campus is in minimum use, you should exercise the following safety precautions: (1) find at least one other person whom you know well to work with - group work would be even wiser; (2) leave the area in pairs or as a group; (3) alert Public Safety in advance that you will be using the area and ask Public Safety to spot-check during your work period and escort you to your car if necessary; (4) leave the building by a common exit that may be closest to the area where you parked your car; (5) if you are waiting for a ride after dark, agree upon a well-lighted pick-up spot; and (6) if you are subjected to harassment or observe someone behaving in a suspicious manner that may jeopardize your safety, report the situation immediately to a Public Safety Officer or your instructor.
These are a few simple rules that may prevent the occurrence of an unfortunate situation. Most importantly, you should make yourself familiar with the campus buildings, exits, and general location of the Public Safety force. Please be reminded that you should carry your identification card with you at all times. Union County College is an “open” campus. Stay alert and exercise prudence to insure your personal safety at all times. Should any student, faculty/staff member, or any visitor on the campus become the victim of any crime, report the incident to the Public Safety Department immediately.
The following crimes which are reported to the Public Safety Department will immediately be reported to the local police so that they can conduct the criminal investigation: Murder, Rape, Robbery, Aggravated Assault, Burglary, Motor Vehicle Theft, Liquor Law Violations, Drug Abuse Violations, Weapons Possession. CAMPUS CRIME STATISTICS ARE PUBLISHED IN THE ANNUAL SECURITY REPORT AND DISTRIBUTED TO ALL APPLICANTS UPON REQUEST. In compliance with the Student Right to Know and Campus Security Act, crime statistics are reported to the U.S. Department of Education. Tools are available online to analyze campus safety and security at http://ope.ed.gov/campussafety/#/. In compliance with the Federal Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act and relevant New Jersey Law, information regarding the enrollment of convicted sex offenders is available online at http://www.njsp.org/sex-offender-registry/index.shtml.
Emergency notification system sign-up
At the start of each semester all currently enrolled students as well as staff and faculty are automatically enrolled in the emergency notification system. If you wish to sign up manually, be advised opt-in list are purged at the end of every semester. To receive (REGROUP) alert messages must sign up at the following hyper link: https://ucc.regroup.com/signup.
Parking & Automobile Registration
Students currently enrolled who intend to use designated parking facilities at Union County College campuses must have their automobiles registered through the Public Safety Office. There is a charge for a parking permit to be displayed by the registered vehicles. Automobiles parked on campus illegally or without proper, valid, parking permits will be ticketed and/or towed at the owner’s expense. Parking fines are assessed for parking and traffic violations. Speed zones on Campus are generally set at a maximum of 10 miles per hour. However, students are expected to exercise prudence at all times and heed all posted traffic signs. A complete listing of parking regulations and map of student parking areas can be found in the Public Safety Guide.